Cardinal Concepts

Revealing the mental, nutritional and physical laws of health [natural laws of God] which we must obey to keep the blood proteins circulating via the lymphatic system.  Living the cardinal concepts speeds cellular regeneration, while breaking them speeds up the degeneration, disease and death processes.

1. Mental & Emotional

The Language Of Friendship And Peace - "To Love Is To Be A Friend"

Medical research shows how shock, stress from negative thoughts and emotions, such as anger, loss of temper, holding grudges, and resentment, will cause “trapped blood proteins”.  This research is presented in detail in the Applied Lymphology Course materials.  We invite you to study it.  It could save your life!

Research confirms that eliminating stress plays a large part in the prevention of disease.  To continue to have anger, loss of temper, holding grudges, or resentment is “potential suicide” to the human body.  And to ridicule, criticize, condemn, find fault, or cast blame is “potential murder.”  Your body responds to positive or negative emotions.

Those who live the laws of friendship can heal and those who break the same laws can kill.  That which one does to destroy another will also destroy themselves – even by “Trapped Blood Proteins.”

Your enemies do not want you to love them.  They want to fight!  However, since anger, loss of temper, holding grudges, and resentment cause “trapped blood proteins” in your body, you have to love your enemies to save who?  (Yourself.)  Now, you have a reason to love your enemies!

"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me!"

To love is to be kind to your fellow man.  We can create peace as we develop love and charity.  Friendship does not cease until one person gets the idea that the other person doesn’t care how they feel.

As a kind, honest, and loving person, I care about how you feel and I will share myself, who I am and what I have with you regardless of race or religion.  The gift of Charity creates validation and concerned human interaction which overrides cultural barriers.

War has been the greatest scourge of mankind throughout history.  Mankind, brothers and sisters, killing each other because we haven’t clarified enough of the correct principles of friendship or how we even develop positive or negative to begin with.

The Laws of Empowerment video docu-series offers much more clarity on exactly how we develop either positive or negative, as well as how to create the necessary positive shifts in our lives.

At this point in history, are we ready to understand that the peace in our preciously sought “freedom” comes from obedience to correct principles.

Are we ready for the idea that – if we are going to manifest real peace on earth, it’s not enough to not be enemies – we actually must turn our focus to actually becoming friends.  Friendship and charity overrides all prejudice.  If you have developed the gift of charity, you don’t “have to” share, you “want to” and “get to” share.

2. Nutritional

Consume the healthiest foods and supplements for your body.

Addictive foods, beverages, and drugs cause damage to cells.  When cells get damaged, they put off poisons, and poisons are poisons because they dilate the tiny pores of the capillary membranes, and the blood proteins “rush out” to cause loss of energy, pain, suffering, and death by disease.

If you feed an animal poison, the first thing they go for is water.  Blood proteins hold water.  When poisons of any kind are ingested, it pulls blood proteins and water out of the blood stream, causing a craving for replacement of that water – it makes you thirsty.  The thirst is the by-product of the poison.  And ‘lack of oxygen’ produced from ‘trapped blood proteins’ and excess fluid causes death!

Poisons are poisons because they ‘damage cells’.  If you are giving yourself and your family products that make them ‘abnormally thirsty,’ you are probably eating poisons that damage cells.  To continue to do this is ‘potential suicide’ and ‘potential murder.’

If you have been doing these things in ignorance it’s time to stop, because you have now learned the truth.  To continue to break these cardinal rules, without restraint – could be potential suicide.

With love and understanding of the cardinal concepts, we can help our friends and family identify the ‘death wish’ programming.  If they love themselves and others enough, they will make the positive changes they desire.

3. Physical

Be physically active “all the days of your life”!

Statistically, the average lifespan for those who go into ‘retirement,’ is only three to five years after they ‘retire.’  That is ‘potential suicide!’

Your cells have to have oxygen to live.  A set of lungs was provided in your body to make it possible for you to see to it that your cells have the proper amount of oxygen to remain healthy.  If you needed oxygen badly, how should you breathe?  (Deeply)  Every cell in every organ of your body needs oxygen to stay healthy.  What will you do to make sure that your cells get enough oxygen to remain ‘healthy?’

Lymphasize and breathe deeply everywhere you go, as a rule of life!  

Discover the main things that activate your lymphatic system, by yourself, at home!  Activating your lymph system is like activating your ‘tree of life.’  This is the system that removes the dead cells, the poisons and toxic wastes from your body, which “long covid” and every degenerative disease is associated with.  It has the ability to ‘eat them up.’  Are you aware of what the lymph system can do to dead cells, poisons and toxic waste?  Ok, if your lymphatic system isn’t working – where do the dead cells stay?  (In the body!)  Where do the trapped blood proteins stay?  (In the body!)  And people wonder why they feel sick and tired!  This will soon turn into a “lake of murky water” which is the breeding pond for disease of every kind.

To obey these correct principles is to have pure love and charity!

All three of these “Pure Laws and Principles” are laws of love and charity.  If we have love for ourselves and others, we will obey them.  As a result of obeying these “Pure Laws and Principles,” we will become “one in heart and mind,” and we will have the ability to overcome disease and live in peace.  This is what we want to work and live for.

Maintaining a positive, peaceful, and honest communication requires a lot of understanding based on the principles of love and charity.  To keep your body, mind and spirit clean and pure is a principle of love and charity.  To be physically active; to work and breathe deeply everywhere you go – these are also principles of love and charity.  When we obey the laws of love and charity, we become one in heart, one in mind, and we then hold the keys to live in peace.

When anyone breaks the above Mental, Nutritional, or Physical “Pure Laws,” it will cause the blood proteins to become “trapped” around their cells somewhere in their bodies, and these “trapped” blood proteins will produce a lack of oxygen and alter the sodium-potassium pumps in the cells.  The Applied Lymphology Course teaches that these Pure Laws and Principles are a “Rod of Iron,” and when anyone breaks them, it will cause pain, suffering, and death by disease.  Therefore, we have the choice to obey these laws or be destroyed by the diseases which are now destroying so many of our fellow inhabitants on Earth.  Non-adherence to these principles and laws are the cause of loss of energy, pain, suffering, and every disease known to man!

What activates your regeneration systems?

Most people look for just one solution to what they think is just one problem.  And although it’s much more complex than that, there are several Master Keys we’ve discovered which you can activate together for greater results.

There is a series of training steps designed to make it easy to begin learning and applying the correct principles.  The Race For The Truth class is the biggest bang for the buck, and where the application begins.  There are some options between that and implementing the correct principles and techniques taught in the Power Heal System™ and Applied Lymphology Course.

These principles and techniques are the keys to un-lock the blood proteins and allow the body to get oxygen to the cells.  This turns on the engine of every cell in our body, the sodium-potassium pump, which supplies the power for all the cells in our body and our natural immune system to do its job.  Once activated, it turns on key life processes that allow the body to heal itself.

We teach a complete system of self-help regeneration, energy healing techniques, and techniques for the laying on of hands in faith for the healing of the sick.  We also teach about the administering of herbs, mild foods, and other natural healing arts – which anyone can use to heal themselves and/or their family members.

New Laws for 2025!

Transcending limitations of government with world peace & prosperity!

The Laws of Empowerment video docu-series contains 20 hours of scripted material!  Come see what all the fuss is about!  This program is designed to help shake abuse out of every area of our lives!  Empowering the kind hearted and devastating the abusers – it’s bittersweet at one level or another for everyone!  Be prepared to say good-bye to the Tree of Death!  These correct principles are at play whether people realize it or not!